First Vehicle Bridge Works assigned to EICW: 2 Bridges on Cairo-Suez
Desert Road
First Vehicle Bridge Works assigned to EICW: 2 Bridges on Cairo-Suez
Desert Road
Runway at Hurghada International Airport
First Rigid Pavement Works: Airside Concrete Slabs for Military and
Commercial Aprons at El-Meliz Airport
Abu-Simbel Waste Treatment Plant Contract
Infrastructure Works and Flexible Pavement Works in New Heliopolis City
Flexible (Asphalt) Pavement Works for Sokhna Industrial Zone.
Flexible (Asphalt) Pavement Works at Hurghada International Airport
First Infra-structure and Utility Works assigned to EICW
First Flexible (Asphalt) Pavement Works and Civil Works assigned to EICW
EICW Establishment